Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Adventures of Guy-In-A-Suit! (Part 1)

I watched a movie where some woman got shot in a foreign country. After a harrowing time surviving with help from the locals, she is rescued by the U.S. government. It made bleeding in the hovel look preferable. It gave me an idea for a new super-hero, Guy-In-A-Suit! I think a typical story would go like this:

Victim: "I'm bleeding to death. Is there no one that can save me?"
Guy-In-A-Suit!: "Don't worry ma'am. We've taken charge here."
Victim: "Wow! It's Guy-In-A-Suit! and his sidekick, The Press! I'm saved!"

Thanks to Guy-In-A-Suit!'s timely arrival, the woman survived for two more hours. Thank you, Guy-In-A-Suit!

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