Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I Don't Smoke Marijuana

I am already too lazy and paranoid and a compulsive eater. Plus I believe every silly idea I have is a profound insight into the universe. I don't need the encouragement.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Law of Sausages

The Law of Sausages States:

The truly wondrous and beautiful things in the universe remain beautiful and wondrous no matter how closely they are examined.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Suck It, Morons

Intellectualism and reason have been beaten bloody in the U.S. The warmongering right-wingers hate intellectuals, accusing them of insubordination and communism. The hippie left-wingers hate the oppression of the rules of reason and blame science for creating of the tools of war. The renaissance men of today have retreated to a dingy bar, getting drunk with Bukowski and listening to Tom Waits.

Which I guess is not so bad at all.