Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Undead Marketing

Many feel that zombies are the greatest danger mankind has ever faced. I think those people are negative Nellies. When life hands me zombies, I make zombie-related merchandise.

One money-making idea is advertising space. You could not find a cheaper and more patient sandwich board man among the living. By placing your logo on the torso of a shambling corpse, you are guaranteed it will be viewed at eye level and wander to wherever the living congregate. A small up-front investment can mean years of exposure to people whose attention will be focused directly on your message!

Products that might be suited to this target market:

"Under zombie attack? Why not try Lil' Clubber baseball bats!"

"After a long night battling the undead, you deserve a Z-Brew. The only beer specially crafted for the the post-zombie apocalyptic world."

(If you have ideas for advertisements, please add them in the comments.)


CH said...

How about an add for caskets? "Don't let this happen to your loved ones! By a quality casket from Ed's Casket Emporium, and keep 'em in the ground!"

Nairelev said...

Food for the homeless dude.
"Tired of rotten corpses littering you suburbsn dwelling? Donate your re-dead to "Help the Homeless". On the back it would say
" Each corpses feeds a hobo for a week."