Wednesday, December 5, 2007


A kook is somebody who holds an unpopular belief even though it makes no sense whatsoever. But what would you call somebody who holds a popular but ridiculous belief? You don't call them anything. It's perfectly normal.


Anonymous said...

Actually I believe that you call them religious

Chris said...

But this dismisses all of the ridiculous stuff that non-religious people believe. The religious may be the experts, but they don't have a monopoly on nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I don't know about you but "ridiculous stuff that 'non-religious people believe" sounds like a long-winded way of calling them cultish. And from there it's only a short hop to calling them religious. It's easier to qualify every single stupid belief in the world, big or small, as part of a cult or religion (which is just a word for a big cult). Then you can dismiss them simply with the shooing hand motion and a "Bah!"